In October of 2024, 35-year-old Danil Johnson reported there was a video of a 9-year-old child performing sexual acts on 33-year-old Jessica Baker (AKA Jessica Johnson). Detectives from the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office Child Abuse Bureau conducted an investigation and learned both Baker and Johnson were sexually abusing that child by making her wear revealing clothing and modeling for them. The abuse progressed by having the victim perform sexual acts on Johnson.
On Monday, Detectives arrested Baker and Johnson for violations of Penal Code 288(a) - Lewd Acts w/ a Child under 14, PC 311.11(a)(1) - Possession of Child Sex Abuse Materials, and PC 311.4(c) - Use an underage person for Obscene Matter.
Both Baker and Johson are in custody and are being held on $300,000 and $500,000.00 bail, respectively. They are scheduled to appear in court on January 29th.
Sergeant Amar Gandhi
Sheriff’s Spokesman
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