Sac Sheriff

Media Release

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Valley High School Student Caught with Loaded Gun and Two Knives on Campus

Earlier this afternoon, Elk Grove Unified School District staff was advised of a Valley High School student observed with a firearm during lunch. The witness also reported that the student’s sibling had been carrying the gun on campus the day before.

Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputies and Elk Grove Police Officers assigned as School Resource Officers for the Elk Grove Unified School District immediately detained both students on campus without incident.  The 15-year-old student in question had a fully loaded handgun with a 14-round magazine, a folding knife, and a fixed-blade knife inside of their backpack.  The 16-year-old sibling was in possession of pepper spray, which is also illegal to carry on a school campus.

The 15-year-old was arrested and booked into Sacramento County Juvenile Hall on multiple charges, including minor in possession of a firearm, minor in possession of ammunition, possession of a firearm on a school campus, possession of ammunition on a school campus, possession of knives on campus, and possession of a high-capacity magazine.

The 16-year-old sibling was issued a citation for possessing pepper spray on a school campus and released to their parents. 

No threats were made toward the school, staff, or other students.


Sergeant Amar Gandhi
Sheriff’s Spokesman

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Valley High School

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