Inmate Information



How do I find an inmate?

There are two ways that you can search for an inmate:
1. Search by Name: You are required to enter a first and last name and the captcha confirmation code.
2. Search by X-Ref: If you know an inmate's X-Ref Number, you can search for their details by their X-Ref.

Is it really legal to have inmate information on the internet?

By law, the booking information displayed on the website is public information. Once the inmate is released from custody, only release information (date and time) are public information.

How come I can't get detailed information about a released inmate?

We only display detailed information about the inmate when they are in custody.

What is an X-Ref Number?

An XREF, or cross-reference number, is a number unique to an individual that identifies their information in the Sacramento County Public Safety System.

What is a Booking/Registry Number?

The number assigned to custody session for tracking purposes. Each warrant, arrest report or commitment served during the custody session will be give an extension of -01, -02, -03, etc, to differentiate and allow tracking of individual cases.

What is the housing location?

The floor, unit and bunk within a facility where the inmate is staying. The housing location is needed on correspondences that come into the jail.

What is the mailing address for an inmate?

In order for mail to be delivered efficiently within the jails, correspondences are required to be addressed with the inmate's name, XREF number and housing location along with the jail's address. You can get the mailing address for an inmate by searching for the inmate and clicking on their name for their detailed records.

How do I email an inmate?

In order to email an inmate you need to search for the inmate in our inmate information system. After you click on the inmate's name, you will see their custody information. In the box next to Mailing Address, you will see a link to email the inmate. More information about emailing an inmate can be found HERE.

What are the different types of arrests for?

Commitment Warrant - A warrant issued for failure to complete jail time, or to serve jail time in lieu of a fine that has not been paid.
Detainer - A hold placed by an agency for the return of an inmate brought here from another jurisdiction for a hearing or adjudication of charges.
Federal Hold - Detention by US Marshal for prosecution on federal charges.
INS Hold
- Detention by Customs and Immigration pending a hearing, or deportation.
Parole Hold
- Hold initiated by California Department of Correction for a violation of conditions of parole.
Pickup (Fresh Arrest)
- A "probable cause" arrest on new charges, not previously filed by the District Attorney’s office.
Probation Violation
- (PV rearrest) A case booked into custody pending a petition by Probation Department for a violation of terms of probation.
Remand Rearrest - Defendant ordered by the Court to be held pending bail or adjudication.
Warrant Arrest - Arrest on a warrant signed by a Judge.

How do I find out more information about the inmate's charges?

You can search for California Law Codes at

How come certain charges are not being displayed?

If charges have been dismissed or are not currently part of the inmate's current custody term, they will not be displayed on the website.

Why is the total bail list "Ineligible for Bail"?

If an inmate has any "No Bail" charges or warrants, or any types of Holds, the inmate will not be able to be bailed out of jail until the holds have been cleared or bail has been set by the court.

What is the Projected Release Date? Why isn't there a Projected Release Date? Does that mean the inmate will definitely be released on that date?

Is the date a sentenced inmate will have completed serving time on all current sentences, provided no penalties for misbehavior are incurred and no other cases are sentenced to additional jail time. Inmates with pending local cases, warrants or holds from other jurisdictions will not necessarily be released on the projected release date.

What are Outstanding Warrants?

If an inmate has outstanding warrants from Sacramento County or outside agencies, they will be listed in this section.

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