Sac Sheriff

Academy - Physical Conditioning Program

Attending the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Academy requires participation in a strenuous, comprehensive physical conditioning program. The conditioning program addresses the following components of physical fitness: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and nutrition. The intensity of the conditioning program gradually increases throughout the Academy and is designed to encourage each recruit to perform at his or her personal best. Each conditioning session lasts approximately 30-90 minutes and is preceded by a warm up and cool down (each lasting approximately 10 minutes).

Listed below is a description of the training objectives and methods used:

Conditioning Objective Format Type of Activities
Flexibility Stretching Performed preceding and/or following the conditioning portion of the exercise session.
Muscular Strength Weight Lifting Conventional athletic-based weight lifting exercises focusing on muscular strength (heavier weight, lower repetitions).
Muscular Endurance/ Cardiovascular Endurance Circuit with weights, calisthenics, cardiovascular endurance exercises Exercise circuits consisting of combinations of lighter weighted exercises, body weight exercises, and cardiovascular exercises (running, rowing, jumping rope) performed with little or no rest for a given time period or workload.
Cardiovascular Endurance Continuous cardiovascular exercise Running, either for distance and pace or speed intervals

Prior to graduation from the Academy, each recruit will be required to successfully complete the P.O.S.T. mandated Work Sample Test Battery, which consists of a 99-yard obstacle course, a 165 lb. dummy drag, a solid wall climb, a chain link fence climb, and a 500-yard run.

It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that potential recruits begin exercising before the academy begins. If you are not already participating in an exercise program, focus on running, push-ups and sit-ups. While the Academy physical conditioning program focuses on improving overall levels of physical fitness, it will be extremely difficult for those who attend the Academy without any physical preparation. Failure to prepare will also increase the recruit’s risk of overuse injuries during the Academy due to poor physical condition.

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